Choice of server should be suitable for both teams
If the teams can't agree on a server, clientside minping can be used (/cl_delay_packet xx)
The value for the minping must not be higher than the lowest pinging player in the highest pinging team, unless both teams agree otherwise. The maximum minping that can be required is 51.
In cases of American clans meeting Europeans the games should be played on servers where Americans ping the best in Europe. Which are usually UK and NL servers.
Ping is still considered the decider of the server. Antilag differs on servers and can't be required. Ping is still the last decider but we recommend playing on servers with antilag ON.
If the team with lower ping wants, they can reroute via proxy to raise their ping.
The current map should be played to the end, no mather the servers condition
Admins will decide if a map should be replayed on another server
If a server gives 2 or more spikes that result in 100% packetloss for all players for more that 10seconds, the map should be replayed on another server if the teams does not agree to the score/situation.
The EQL rules is based on NQR, Challenge-Smackdown and previous EQL rules combined. Admins can change/fix rules if problems occur.